My Story

Like many of you, I was born able to touch my toes. Only later did I realize that this natural gift require​s practice​​!
Truthfully, I was initially drawn to ​yoga and meditation as a teenager seeking mental and emotional well-being. During a four month stay in Nepal in 1988 between high school and college I experienced the benefits of a weekly practice and then the more immersive change that came during a two week stay in an ashram.. Through college and afterward, yoga ​helped me feel better physically, mentally, and emotionally and kept me connected to the best parts of myself. I received my Kripalu certification in 1997 and have been teaching since​ then​, based in White River Junction, Vermont.
My teaching blends compassionate awareness of moment-by-moment experience with self-inquiry to dive deeper into what it means to be alive. I am fortunate to continue to learn from my students and many wonderful movement and meditation teachers, including Peentz Dubble and her heartfelt translations of the Iyengar method, and Carrie Owerko, whose joyful and playful approach to movement is all about increasing our capacities to do what is meaningful for us.
I look forward to seeing you on the mat and playfully re/discovering the best parts of ourselves. Namaste.